This might spark some controversy, but I am hoping not. Please remember that every parent is titled to their own beliefs and it is 100 percent OK if you do not agree with me.
I started hearing about Frozen when it came out of course...everybody was raving about it. I had hoped to take Carter but the timing was never right. So when it became available to rent on cable..I selected buy right away. Prepared ourselves for a "movie night", got Carter so excited about this "frozen" snowman, made snacks, threw down pillows and blankets and the boys mattresses and got comfy. I was excited about maybe getting a relax on the couch after dinner kinda night. (Those never happen unless someone is sick around here!) 10 minutes; more or LESS; and the boys were up running around. I was asking myself why did I rent this, Michael was asking me why I didn't check the reviews. We took a break and resumed it later that evening and this time Carter sat for a bit...until I had to start covering his eyes and fast forwarding a good portion of the movie. That went over real well, let me tell ya. Carter wanted to know exactly what it was that he couldn't watch. The last part of the movie I cringed as her sister died and turned "frozen" and then a few moments later came back to life because of true love.
So, here it is. I disliked this movie due to the following
1) First and foremost, I believe this was not appropriate content for my 3 and under crowd. My fault here! I should have defiantly investigated this a little more before committing.
2) Violence. Its a Disney movie people! There is violence everywhere you look these days, can we not watch a quick movie without it being injected in their as well? I try very hard to minimize what my boys see...I know its a tough world out there, but it doesn't have to be. Violence and bullying does not have to be a part of life, we can change that. I know I am trying my best to do my part with my boys. So no... I was not pleased at all to see the amount of violence in this movie.
3) Snowman. This and this only was the reason why we wanted to view this movie. The cute, talking snowman. The boys thought he was adorable. He was! However...where was he??? I assumed he would be a major player in this movie...he wasn' least not as much as we would have liked.
4)Death. This is a biggie. We talk about heaven. We talk about God. We have once talked about what happens when someone dies and goes to heaven. ( quite some time ago when Carter asked me what a herse was that we had to stop for...I cringed by the way.) He is 3, I like the saying "keep them little" Its on autopilot in my head. He's too little in my opinion...We have been very, very lucky to not HAVE to discuss this. Childhood is innocence. So, the sister wakes up after being killed(Frozen) and life is back to normal. How unrealistic!!!!! What does this say to a child who believes in God and heaven??? Don't I wish we could be touched and come back to life...wouldn't that be just wonderful??? Its just not true. Its a lie...a lie they are telling my children and every other child out there. So when I do have this discussion with my boys, about heaven being our forever they might question the truth behind it...all because of a story. I understand that at some point children realize that there is a difference between life and movies/shows, but at child might truly believe that this is real...(and mickey mouse, imagination movers..etc.) They are just so little.
I 100% put the blame on myself here...I should have checked. I just wanted to express my little opinion on this movie, that's all. Disney has put a nasty taste in my mouth.
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