Monday, April 7, 2014

A note to my boys

I have had this recurrent thought in my head for almost 4 years. Spoke of it a few times with my husband and a really good friend. We had talks about our experiences in the past and how it made us who we are today, you know the rest. I didn't care, still don't care. I was angry with myself for making ignorant choices, kicking myself in the rear for even thinking for a minute that I knew it all. How little I knew. How little I knew . Repeat, repeat repeat. How I wish I could go back..whisper in my ear on so many occasions... "it doesn't matter". My babies....they matter. Oh my gosh, do they ever. I know some people say there really is no right time and you never really know when to start "planning" for a child, but I did. I wanted motherhood with all of my being. Hubby desired to be married a year before bringing a child in the world. I somehow convinced him that "technically" with 9 months of pregnancy it would be a year. I won that one. The second I found out Carter was growing in me something just clicked. I didn't have to wait till his birthday to fall head over heals in love with our child, it was instant. I wanted this child more than I wanted life itself. The day he was placed in my arms was the day I became born again. Him a child, I as  his mother. I live for these boys of mine. Breathe, eat, sleep, work...its all in the names of Carter and Keagan. My world.  I thank my husband from the bottom of my heart for these children.. And God...I am forever indebted. So this little snapshot that was floating around on Facebook struck me hard. I am glad I am not the only one who has had this thought. I promise you long as I am living,  I will live for you.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Skipping the "books"

Man, we have been busy this week! Not necessarily with things we did, but things we chose to skip. All in the name of fun. I choose not to do any formal teaching with the boys this week (except for preschool story time and their science class) and left it in their hands. God provided the weather, I provided the time outdoors and with some subtle pushing the boys came up with some amazing outdoor play. I feel like in general I lean more towards Waldorf-style schooling with a mix of classical education for my type A personality. Its a lot easier to relax and let nature steer their curiosity when your actually out in it!